Thursday, 3 June 2010

Say Cheese...

I've always loved taking pictures, looking at pictures, editing pictures and of course hanging pictures all over the walls of my room. So recently I was thinking and decided that I needed a new hobby. I want to learn something new. I've always loved photography so I thought why not take a class, why not get a really good camera and take a class and learn something new? So I bought a camera. Actually I bought a very expensive camera, one which put a good dent in my savings (sigh). It's a Nikon D5000 and if you're having trouble picturing what that might look like.....let me show you....
It's beautiful isn't it? I think so. Some of my girls from my jr. high small group were trying to name it. My hands were shaking when I opened it. I've never bought something like this before. I've held one but it's never been mine. I was afraid I might drop it or push a wrong button and cause it to deconstruct, if that's even possible. So for the past few weeks I've been practicing and trying to figure out how to work this piece of technical art. Thankfully there is this little button that has a question mark on the side of the camera and if I push it a definition of the setting I'm on pops up. I don't know what I would do without this button. 

My Mom has a friend who is a photographer. She's fabulous and she is going to mentor me as I embark on learning this new craft. You can check out her blog here

I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Let me know if you want a personal photo shoot....I need all the practice I can get :)

I think I might start to get labeled 'the girl with the camera' so if you see me....say hi!

Yours Truly, 

1 comment:

Earl~Lea Riser said...

Hey Girlfriend!! I need one of those "personal shoots" you're talking about!! I have a VERY important event happening in my life, really soon, and I'd love for you to be the one to document it for me!! :) We need to chat!!
How about a Starbucks date??